German Life Writing and the Holocaust: Gender and Complicity in the Second World War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
Contemporary Hollywood Masculinities: Gender, Genre and Politics. Co-author Susanne Kord. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
The Representation of War in German Literature from 1800 to the Present. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Hollywood Divas, Indie Queens, and TV Heroines: Contemporary Screen Images of Women. Co-author Susanne Kord. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2004.
In the Company of Men: Cross-Dressed Women around 1800. Detroit: Wayne State Press, 2004.
Edited Volumes
Writing the Self, Creating Community: German Women Authors and the Literary Sphere, 1750-1850. Co-editor Lauren Nossett. Rochester: Camden House, 2020.
Realities and Fantasies of German Female Leadership: From Maria Antonia of Saxony to Angela Merkel. Co-editor Patricia Simpson. Rochester: Camden House, 2019.
Goethe Yearbook. Vol. 25. Co-editor Adrian Daub. Rochester: Camden House, 2018.
Goethe Yearbook. Vol. 24. Co-editor Adrian Daub. Rochester: Camden House, 2017.
Sentient Performativities of Embodiment: Thinking alongside the Human, co-edited with Lynette Hunter and Peter Lichtenfels. New York: Lexington Books, 2016.
Goethe Yearbook. Vol. 23. Co-editor Adrian Daub. Rochester: Camden House, 2016.
Goethe Yearbook. Vol. 22. Co-editor Adrian Daub. Rochester: Camden House, 2015.
Goethe Yearbook. Vol. 21. Co-editor Adrian Daub. Rochester: Camden House, 2014.
Religion, Reason, and Culture in the Age of Goethe. Co-editor: Patricia Simpson. Rochester: Camden House, 2013.
Enlightened War: Theories and Cultures of Warfare in Eighteenth Century Germany. Co-Editor: Patricia Simpson. Rochester: Camden House, 2011.
Contested Selves: Life Writing and German Culture, co-editor Katja Herges, Camden House, forthcoming.
Book Projects in Progress
Book Project on German Women and the First World War
German #MeToo, co-editor Patricia Simpson